Coloured Contact Lenses: How Safe Are They?

Image of multiple coloured contact lenses

Coloured contact lenses have gained immense popularity in recent years, offering a fun and fashionable way to change your eye colour for special occasions or as a part of your daily look. While these lenses can be a fantastic addition to your style, it's crucial to understand their safety and the importance of obtaining them through a trusted source, such as your optometrist. In this article, we'll explore the trend of coloured contact lenses, highlight the potential risks of buying them online, and emphasize the significance of consulting your optometrist for a safe and healthy experience.

The Popularity of Coloured Contact Lenses

Coloured contact lenses have taken the beauty and fashion world by storm. They offer a quick and non-permanent way to transform your appearance by changing the colour of your eyes. Whether you're attending a costume party, a cosplay event, or simply looking to enhance your natural eye colour, coloured contact lenses provide endless possibilities.

The Risks of Buying Coloured Contact Lenses Online

One of the most significant concerns surrounding coloured contact lenses is the sale of non-prescription and poorly manufactured lenses online. While the convenience of online shopping is undeniable, it comes with substantial risks for your eye health.

Online retailers often sell coloured contact lenses without requiring a prescription or proper fitting. However, in Canada, a prescription is required for all contact lenses, and retailers selling these lenses should be reported to Health Canada. These lenses may not meet the safety and quality standards necessary for eye health. Ill-fitting or low-quality lenses can lead to a range of issues, including discomfort, dryness, irritation, and even severe eye infections.

The Importance of Consulting Your Optometrist

To ensure your eyes remain healthy and comfortable while wearing coloured contact lenses, it is crucial to consult your Stonewire Optometrist in Kingsway Mall. Your optometrist can:

  1. Provide a Comprehensive Eye Exam: Before considering coloured contact lenses, your optometrist will perform a thorough eye examination to assess the health of your eyes and determine the correct prescription if needed.

  2. Recommend Safe and Healthy Coloured Contact Lenses: Optometrists can recommend high-quality coloured contact lenses that are safe, comfortable, and suited to your unique eye shape and needs.

  3. Ensure Your Contact Lenses Fit Properly: Fitting coloured contact lenses properly is essential to prevent discomfort and complications. Your optometrist will take precise measurements and teach you how to safely insert and remove the lenses.

  4. Educate on Proper Care: Your optometrist will provide essential instructions on how to clean, disinfect, and care for your coloured contact lenses to minimize the risk of eye infections.

  5. Monitor Eye Health: Regular check-ups with your optometrist are crucial to monitor the health of your eyes while wearing coloured contact lenses and address any issues promptly.

So How Can I Get Coloured Contact Lenses? 

Coloured contact lenses can be a fantastic way to express your style and enhance your look. However, safety should always be a top priority regarding your eye health. Avoid the pitfalls of buying coloured contact lenses online without proper guidance. Contact us to book an eye exam with one of our optometrists to ensure you get the right lenses, a proper fit, and essential advice for maintaining healthy eyes while enjoying the beauty of coloured contact lenses. Prioritizing safety and health will allow you to embrace the trend of coloured contact lenses with confidence and peace of mind.

Disclaimer: The content provided in this blog post by Stonewire Optometry eye care clinic in Kingsway Mall is intended solely for informational purposes and does not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment by a Licensed Optometrist. No doctor/patient relationship is established through the use of this blog. The information and resources presented are not meant to endorse or recommend any particular medical treatment. Readers must consult with their own healthcare provider regarding their health concerns. Stonewire Optometry and its optometrists do not assume any liability for the information contained herein nor for any errors or omissions. Use of the blog's content is at the user's own risk, and users are encouraged to make informed decisions about their health care based on consultations with qualified professionals.