Eye Care Tip #23 | Does Alberta Health Care Cover Eye Exams?

Eye Care Tip of the Week #23: Alberta Health Care does not cover eye exams for adults ages 19-64. 

FACT: Alberta Health Care Does Not Cover Eye Exam Fees for Adults ages 19-64 

It's true. In Alberta, routine eye exams for adults between the ages of 19-64, are not covered or paid for by Alberta Health Care. Every week though someone tries to convince our staff otherwise. 

The most common misconception is when it comes to medically necessary testing in patients with conditions such as diabetes and hypertension that require annual dilated retinal exams.

Yes, these medically necessary visits are covered under Alberta Health Care.

But, medically necessary coverage only applies to the evaluation, treatment or monitoring of the eye condition and does not cover the cost of a complete eye exam for eyeglasses and contact lenses. If these services are required, regular exam fees still apply.  

So once again. In Alberta, medically necessary testing is covered, but routine eye exams for eyeglasses and contact lenses are not covered or paid for under Alberta Health Care for adults between the ages of 19-64, regular eye exam fees still apply for these services. 

This Eye Care Tip of the Week is brought to you by Stonewire