What Diseases Can Be Detected During An Eye Exam?

Detecting Eye and Systemic Diseases Through Routine Eye Exams

Routine eye exams are not just about assessing vision and prescribing eyewear; they also serve as vital diagnostic tools for identifying various eye and systemic diseases. Stonewire Optometry in Kingsway Mall is dedicated to providing comprehensive eye care services, including early detection of these conditions. In this article, we will focus on the eye diseases that can be uncovered during a standard eye examination, as well as the systemic diseases that may manifest in the eyes.

Common Eye Diseases Identified in Routine Eye Exams

  1. Cataracts: Routine eye exams can reveal the presence of cataracts, a condition characterized by the clouding of the eye's natural lens, potentially leading to vision impairment.

  2. Glaucoma: Elevated intraocular pressure, a hallmark of glaucoma, can be detected during an eye exam. Early diagnosis is crucial to prevent irreversible optic nerve damage and vision loss.

  3. Macular Degeneration: Changes in the macula, a crucial part of the retina, can lead to central vision loss. Regular eye exams are essential for monitoring its progression.

  4. Retinal Detachment: This sight-threatening condition may present visible symptoms during an eye examination, prompting immediate intervention.

  5. Dry Eye: Chronic dry eye, often dismissed as a minor issue, can be diagnosed and managed through an eye exam to provide relief and prevent complications.

  6. Corneal Degeneration: Alterations in the cornea's structure can lead to vision problems. Early diagnosis during an eye exam allows for timely treatment.

Systemic Diseases Detected Through Eye Exams

Beyond eye-specific conditions, routine eye exams can unveil systemic diseases and disorders, including:

  1. Diabetes: Diabetes affects the blood vessels in the eyes, leading to diabetic retinopathy. Early detection during an eye exam is essential for effective management.

  2. Hypertension (High Blood Pressure): High blood pressure can cause damage to the delicate blood vessels in the eyes, which may become evident during an eye exam.

  3. Hypercholesterolemia (High Cholesterol): Elevated cholesterol levels can manifest as deposits on the eyelids or within the eye's blood vessels, detectable during an eye exam.

  4. HIV/AIDS: Certain ocular manifestations, such as cytomegalovirus retinitis or Kaposi's sarcoma, can indicate the presence of HIV/AIDS and are identifiable through an eye exam.

  5. Multiple Sclerosis: This autoimmune disorder can exhibit symptoms in the eyes, such as optic neuritis, which can be diagnosed during an eye examination.

  6. Graves Disease: An autoimmune thyroid disorder, Graves' disease can cause bulging eyes (exophthalmos) and other eye-related symptoms, making them apparent during an eye exam.

  7. Herpes Simplex/Herpes Zoster Infections: These viral infections can affect the eyes, leading to conditions like herpes keratitis or herpes zoster ophthalmicus, which can be diagnosed through an eye exam.

  8. Carotid Stenosis: A narrowing of the carotid artery can increase the risk of strokes. Eye exams can sometimes reveal cholesterol plaques in the eye's blood vessels, offering a warning sign for this condition.

In conclusion,

Routine eye exams at Stonewire Optometry in Kingsway Mall extend beyond vision correction. They serve as essential tools for early detection of various eye and systemic diseases. By choosing comprehensive eye care, you not only prioritize your vision but also invest in your overall well-being, ensuring that any potential health issues are identified and addressed promptly. Remember, your eyes are not just the windows to your soul; they are also windows to your health.

If you would like to be seen by one of our optometrists, you can call us at 780-628-6886 or you can book your eye exam appointment online.